Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This is a disease I had barely even heard of two years ago. When my good friend's son was diagnosed, I became a little more familiar but still didn't give it much thought. Now, Sarah has been diagnosed with Celiac and Wes has been told that he more than likely has it as well (based on his symptoms...we are awaiting blood test results). All of my children will be tested later this week. Life at the Powell house has the potential to change DRAMATICALLY!

Tomorrow, Sarah will go in for a scope of her stomach and small intestine to evaluate the damage and rule out any further issues that might be going on. Please pray that this routine procedure will go as planned and the doctors will be able to gather all of the information they need to get her on the path to healing!

I'm so grateful that Sarah's issues are entirely reversible with dietary changes and we have friends who have already walked this path to help us out along the way! I guess Celiac and I will be getting a little better acquainted in the very near future!


  1. I'll be praying that all goes well with Sarah....it's not a path that one might choose, but definitely a workable one! Love you guys!

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    and hey...kris has an awesome t-shirt you can borrow!!! :)
