Monday, March 16, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Afternoons

Sunday afternoon, Abbee and JW both left on two separate camping adventures with friends! So, Jordan and her friend H, along with Emma and I, tried our hand at making cake balls! At first, we tried to get all fancy smancy and make them look like Easter Bunnies. But they just ended up looking all mangled and scary. So we shaped them into eggs instead...much easier! Not only were they super cute, they were also super YUMMY!

After we stuffed our faces, we took Max for a walk to the park. Max was so excited to be out of the house after being rained in for the last several days. Emma was riding her scooter and he would run like crazy trying to keep up! He also enjoyed meeting other people and dogs along the way.

(I'm pretty sure JP has inherited my mad photography skills!!)
We didn't take it easy on the poor pup and when we returned, he completely CONKED OUT! (Emma's not really asleep! She just thought it would make a cute picture!)

We are off to a fantastic start with the perfect Spring Break weather! I hope we get to be outdoors all week!

1 comment:

  1. whatever! that pic jp took is seriously good to me. I like's Art! :D
