Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to Life...Back to Reality!

Mid-August, we went back to school here at the Powell Academy! We worked hard for two weeks and then took a week's vacation!!

This year, we have added a couple of extra obligations to our proverbial plate, so I'm getting to remember what life was like before we slammed on the brakes and slowed down the busy train! It's amazing how quickly you become spoiled to an open calendar!

One thing we've added is JP's Vocal Techniques class at an area home school fine arts program. She LOVES it. She already knows several of the kids that take classes there from church, our co-op, and her basketball team and was delighted that several of her teammates were actually in her class.

Both JP and Abbee are now on a homeschool basketball team that requires a couple of evenings a week commitment.

Did I mention they totally rooked me into coaching?

Yes, well, I offered to help out at practice (thinking that I'm going to be there anyway, I might as well help!), however I showed up for the parents' meeting only to be introduced as one of the girls' coaches.




How did I manage to volunteer myself into much more responsibility than I bargained for? Could someone explain that to me?

Did I mention I'm a little overly competitive?

Because, I am.

Anyway, I also volunteered to teach Anatomy and Physiology at Tuesday School (the co-op we joined in the spring of last year) which kicked off this past week too. Each of the kids is taking three classes there. It's a great way to get out of the house and learn with other kids. Plus, it allows the kids to experience teachers (who are not their mom) teaching subjects in their areas of expertise. It's a win-win-win!

So, all of that to say, we are back to school full throttle and loving every minute of it. Well, almost every minute of it!

Here's to making this year the best school year yet! And, if you come across any articles about a home school basketball coach dying of an aneurism, you can pretty much bet it was me!

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