However, since deciding to home school, the library and I have sort of made up. I have found it to be my right hand "man" in the daunting task of teaching all subjects to four kids at four different grade levels! It has been a wealth of resources and information with the added bonus of allowing the kids and I to read more books in the last 14 months than I would have ever imagined possible!
So, when I came across this book while searching the library's on-line catalog, I knew I had to reserve it for the A&P class I'm teaching at our co-op.
It is full of beautiful color photos and illustrations on everything you could possible want to know about the human body.
Which is why it should NOT have surprised me yesterday when Emma came into my room during reading time and asked, "Mom, did you know THIS was in this book?"
"Er....Um...No, actually. I did not."
I don't know that our study of the human body was going to be that thorough!
Darn library.
I remember only going to the library twice while going to A&M and the last time was because you made me go against my better judgement!