Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break Fun

We spent the first part of Spring Break hanging out with my sister, brother, and their families. The kids had a blast playing like country kids. Mudholes, tractor rides, and bonfires to boot. They were in kid heaven...and being there with their cousins made it even more fun! Here are a few snapshots of our great trip...
Our first day there, JW fell into this HUGE mudhole...we all found it quite humorous! He, on the other hand, did not!
This is Emma night one...totally conked out in the chair using her new webkin as a pillow! TOO SWEET!!
Tractor rides are all the rage in Jacksonville...squeamish parents should not watch!
I took this pic to show how high the bucket was...while the kids were having a blast, I was completely freaked out!
Glory's not lovin her first tractor ride so much!
Rub a Dub Dub...Three mugs in the tub!
This is Randee...her favorite pasttime is CLIMBING. While we were there, she climbed on EVERYTHING! She even fell a couple of times but that did not deter her next climbing feat!
The table is a favorite place to climb...she would scavenge the crumbs after meals! We call her catfish!
Glory apparently LOVES lasagne! She's licking the plate!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like loads o' fun!!
    Love the pic of John Wesely!
